TOP 30: Julie Vue


Julie Vue
Major: Political Science
Minor: Women’s Studies
Year: 2nd
Age: 19
Hometown: Fresno, CA
In One Word: Striving

Julie Vue strives to bring together and connect the Hmong community with the larger Asian Pacific-Islander community to create solidarity.

As the current president of Hmong Student Association (HSA), she can be found making sure HSA is successful and connects with other cultures as well. She advocates for equal rights for women and Asian Pacific Islander Americans.

Julie hopes to become a political activist, particularly to advocate for women, as Asian American women are very underrepresented in the political world.

Pather Vang, fellow board member of HSA, describes Julie as “passionate about the Hmong culture and.. really curious about how HSA and other organizations can benefit each other. She also keeps everyone organized… and guides us into becoming a great leader as she is. She reaches out to other organizations and puts much effort into making HSA successful…because [of her passion for Hmong culture]”.

KS: What have you accomplished here on campus, and what do you hope to accomplish?

JV: I hope that I can create this club to be withstanding, so it’ll continue after I graduate. On top of that, I hope to be more involved with the API community, in terms of advocating for justice, or even fighting stereotypes of all sorts.

KS: How have you been involved with the Asian Pacific Islander community?

JV: Starting my club, I made sure it was a part of APSA, because through APSA, I became more aware of my Asian American identity. In terms of that, I’m a strong advocate of APSA. I just try to get other people involved or more people aware of how their Asian American identity can affect them. I wouldn’t say I’ve done anything you can see, but it’s more like word of mouth, where I just tend to spread awareness.

KS: Who or what do you feel is the most influential on you?

JV: Since coming to UCI, I’ve become more aware of my intersectionality, so seeing that I’m a woman and Asian American, and I’m pretty much a total minority anywhere. With that said, coming here and just learning about other influential API leaders – that’s my influence.

KS: What are you most passionate about?

JV: I am passionate about advocating for equality, and addressing stereotypes and fighting against them.

KS: What is the kindest thing that you have ever seen either done to you or done to another person by someone else?

JV: I was walking to campus on a Saturday when I was a first year, and I was just walking casually, minding my own business, listening to music, when I walked past this guy…as soon as he got near me, he told me, “Hey have a good day!”.It was random, and I didn’t know who he was. Eventually that whole day turned out to be a good day, based on that one person just telling me something, kind of reinforcing for the good of my esteem.

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    Asian Pacific-Islander Heritage Month (APIHM) is hosted by the Asian Pacific Student Association at UCI and features various programs, workshops, and events that celebrate the APIA culture and address pertinent issues in the APIA community.

    Please refer to the tabs above for more details regarding each event.

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